
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:26:21
Pat 同意并且要了一件更小尺寸的蓝颜色的夹克衫.他试了一下,他们都喜欢这件夹克杉.Pat问了一下多少钱.150元,pat 付了现金.营业员用了一张美丽的纸包装了这件夹克衫.pat 非常高兴.

Par agree to buy a smaller size blue jacket.He tried it on and both of them like this jacket. Part asked how much is it.One hundred and fifty dollars.Pat paid by cash. The saleman packed it with pretty paper and Pat is very pleased.

Pat agreed and to a smaller size blue color jacket. Him try it, they all enjoy this jacket Sequoia. Pat a question about how much money .150 million, pat paid in cash. Salesperson with a The beauty of these pieces of paper packaging jacket. pat very happy.

Pat agreed and asked for a smaller blue jacket. He tried it on. They all like it. Pat learnt the jacket cost 150 yuan. He paid for it in cash. The shopkeeper wrapped it with beautiful paper. Pat felt very pleased.

Pat agree and want a blue jacket in a smaller size.He try it,they both like this jacket.Pat ask the price,150 yuan,they pay for it,and the business pack the jacket with a piece of beautiful paper,Pat is very glad.