
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/29 01:52:37
蓝屏后出现以下英文……A promble has been detected and x has been shut down to prevent darnage to you compuyer .If thia is the first time ,you havu seen this stop error screen restave your computer .If this srreen appers again follow there stop .
check to be sure you have adequate dish space .If adrice is identified in the stop message ,disable the driver check with the manufacturer for driver check with the manufacturer for driver udaees .Try changing wide adapters .
check with you base hardware vendor for any BIOS updates.Disable BIOS options such as catching or shadowing .If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components restart your computer . press F8to select advanced start up options and then select safe mode .
Technical information: xxx stop:0x000000(0x0000005)0x BF06463B,0xA795CB20,0x00000000
xxx igxpdv32DLL-Address BF 06463B at 6F058000,patestamp 48 Feld.


这种问题 系统蓝屏的可能性比较大~多数是 病毒 或者硬盘坏道 破坏了 系统文件 内存调用此文件的时候 蓝屏

同样 也不排除内存的问题 报错代码 不一定说得很准 如果你是双内存条 那么内存的问题也有可能
