
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 23:39:29

自1995 年10 月加拿大皇家银行在美国建立世界上第一家网上银行以来,网上银行在世界范围内迅速发展。自1996年6月中国银行率先开设网站,招商银行率先在国内推出网上银行概念,面向全社会提供网络银行业务以来,中国建设银行、中国工商银行、中国农业银行、交通银行、中信实业银行等纷纷推出网络银行业务。目前国内大部分商业银行拥有自己的网上银行,客户数量逐年大幅度增加。这一切都表明我国银行的网络银行业务正在走上快车道。因为我国的网上银行发展时间较晚,现于国际的网上银行仍有很大的差距,其安全受到诸多的影响。本文通过对我国网络银行发展的现状和存在问题的分析,提出了网络银行的发展对策,旨在促进我国网络银行的发展。

关键词:网上银行 安全问题 对策建议

Topic: On-line does not have the thief - to discuss our country On-line Bank the security problem and the supervision countermeasure

Content abstract:
Since October, 1995 Royal Bank of Canada in American establishment world the first on-line bank, on-line bank around the world rapidly expand. Bank of China...

Key word: On-line bank security problem countermeasure suggestion


Since October, 1995 Royal Bank of Canada in American establishment world the first on-line bank, on-line bank around the world rapidly expand. Bank of China took the lead from June, 1996 to open the website, businessmen are invited to open companies bank took the lead in domestic to promote on-line bank concept, has provided the network mechanics of banking since face the entire society, the China Construction Bank, the China ICBC, the Agriculture Bank of China, the Communications Bank, the letter Industrial bank and so on promotes the network mechanics of banking in abundance. At present the domestic majority of Commercial bank has own on-line bank, customer quantity increases large scale year by year. All these indicated that Our country Bank the network mechanics of banking is stepping onto the speedway. Is late because of our country's on-line bank development time, presently still has the very big disparity in the international on-line bank, its security comes under many in