关于的苏格兰介绍 要英文的

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我们要办一期苏格兰的手抄报 凡是关于苏格兰的风情 民俗 特色的资料我都要 谢谢各位

Scotland is one of four areas of Britain, it is located in the British Isles, hill, north of distributed in the population, with 511 million. Here is a distinctive feature of the place, the unique highland scenery lets a person to have forgotten. More greatly small lakes and mountains, if copy Mosaic, extremely attractive eye sings.

At first glance, Scotland and England no difference, but they have their own ancestry, Celtic, have their own national language - the Gaelic language. And about the history, believe in Scotland saw the brave heart of people of Scotland's history. Scotland has strong national pride, everyone will recite the great poet burns poems nationalities. They also Burns's birthday (January 25) as the national holiday, called Burns eve (Night)'ll. That night, the people gathered together, read burns poems to eat a Scottish national food (Haggis). Now, people this dish as Scotland, entertain lavishly specializing in Scotland, plus the whisky br