
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 06:58:44

一、频度副词,如always, usually, often, sometimes, never等,一般位于句中,有时也可以位于句首或句尾。
1. 位于实义动词之前。例如:
He always reads English in the morning.
I often go to work at eight in the morning.
I hardly ever heard him singing.
2. 如果句中含有情态动词或助动词,频度副词通常放在这类动词之后,行为动词之前;如果句中有be动词,频度副词常常放在其后。例如:
You must always read English in the morning.
He has never been late.
Tom is sometimes late for school.
3. 当often前面有very或quite修饰时,often通常置于句尾。例如:
He comes to my house very often.
He is late for the meeting quite often.
Sometimes they play football on Sundays. (=They sometimes play football on Sundays.)
二、时间副词或副词性短语,如today, yesterday, tomorrow, now, soon, tonight, then, these days, in the morning, all day, last year等,在句子中的位置有以下几种情况:
1. 通常置于句首或句末。例如:
I’m getting ready for