
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:11:11
The life in the future

将来,机器人将会给我们的生活带来巨大的变化,未来人们生活中的很多事情将由机器人来完成,如做一些家务。购物。做饭以及不出家门就可以看医生等,请根据提示语写一篇“The life in the future”的文章。
提示语: ineveryone's home , different shaps, the same ,come true


In the future,life will be much better.Maybe there well be vision phones in every family.People can have a medical examination without a doctor or nurse in the room If people want to do some shopping,they do not need to leave their homes.
And what about education.
there will be more educational programs on the radio er on TV,even on the Internet.So many children who live in faraway villages don't need to go to school every day.They can study at home.Each family will have a robot.Robots will help people with their housework.
Maybe some people will go to the moon for a hokiday and some people can live under the sea in hot summer.