
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:02:29
Changes made in the composition of stainless steeld to obtain there quired mechanical and chemical properties according to the fields used influence their cold shaping.
特别是 influence their cold shaping. 在句子中是什么成分?
上面句子有点问题,正确的:Changes made in the composition of stainless steel to obtain the required mechanical and chemical properties according to the fields used influence their cold shaping.

首先我们来划分句子结构:Changes(主语) //made in the composition of stainless steel to obtain the required mechanical and chemical properties according to the fields used //influence(谓语)// their cold shaping(宾语).主干就是changes influence their cold shaping。中间的部分全都是来补充说明changes的,整句话的意思就是:根据外界场的影响来改变不锈钢的组成成分从而获得我们需要的物理和化学性质,这些改变会影响它们的冷成型。分析比较复杂的句子时一定要先找主干部分,把基本成分找出来,剩下的就是一些对主语啊宾语啊等等的修饰说明了。