来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:13:26


I'm getting tired of asking 我已经厌倦了提问
This is the final time 这是最后的时刻
So did I make you happy because you cried an ocean 因为你哭成了海因此我想让你高兴
When theres a thousand lines
about the way you smile written in my mind 你微笑的样子都在我脑海中
Every single word's a lie 每一个字都是谎言

I never wanted everything to end this way 我从来不想以这种方式结束
But you can take a bluest sky and turn it gray 但是你拥有蓝天并把他变成了灰色
I swore to you that I would do my best to change 我向你发誓我将尽力改变
But you said, "It don't matter" 但是你确说 无所谓

I'm looking at you from another point of view 我从另一个角度看你
And don't know how the hell I fell in love with you 但你确不懂我是何等的爱你
I never wish for anyone to feel the way I do 我从来么有对任何人有如此感受

Is this a sign from heaven showing me the light 这光是从天堂来的暗号吗
Was this supposed to happen 难道这注定发生
I'm better of without you so you can leave tonight 没有你我会更好 所以你今晚可以离开
And don't you da