
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:07:08

文章主要包括以下几个方面内容: 一、通过北京市新课改中探究式教学的现状,分析出新课程下高中物理探究教学所需关注的重点。 二、概述新课程理念下高中物理探究式教学的理论基础,包括对其涵义、科学探究各要素分析,以及对科学本质观、马克思关于人的全面发展理论、建构主义等方面的阐述和说明。 三、高中物理探究式教学的理论研究 四、通过典型案例说明高中物理探究教学模式的具体运用。 五、对探究式教学的效果、意义及所需的后继研究进行分析,形成初步结论。


Advocate "actively, explores ways of learning" is a new course of a basic concept. And student's study way, to a great extent, by way of teaching and teaching organization form. Therefore, to construct the new physical characteristics of students, teaching model will become the physical new curriculum implementation of the teaching reform is a major task.
This paper based on this idea, in the background and constructivism, science, the new curriculum theories and thoughts, under the guidance of the senior high school physics teaching from reality, according to the daily teaching inquiry teaching mode and the research on theory and practice, combined with the new curriculum reform in high school physics to create problems scene, as the breakthrough point, to observe laboratory (fact), in order to inspire the students' thinking as the core, to cultivate students' ability to focus on exploring and cooperation, to form for probing into type teaching and teachi