
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 17:57:18
有谁能够提供澳大利亚贝加拉酒庄(Beelgara Estate)详尽的信息?


Attraction - Agriculture and Produce, Food and Wine
From a bird’s eye view of the region surrounding Beelgara, a patchwork of vineyards and farm-lets are interconnected by endless canal systems that are truly the lifeblood of the area. Beyond this lie the hills, ranges and rivers that extend out to define the Riverina region’s unique fertile landscape.

Originally built and owned by Italian migrants, the Beelgara winery combines 75 years of winemaking craftsmanship with a modern focus and traditional sentiment.

The winemaking team aim for balanced, approachable, fruit-driven styles infused with loads of character. Great wines start on the vine and as the fruit develops throughout the growing season, the true characters of the wine evolve. The winemakers harness these flavou