
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 17:03:36
达人GG&JJ 把小弟弟 中翻英 一下. 谢谢了哈
A. 你们的国家非常漂亮,既古老而又时尚,充满着活力,非常的吸引我,我非常非常的想去那里,特别是罗马,佛罗伦萨,米兰,那不勒斯.可惜我还没去过,等我存够了钱,我一定会到那里去旅游.

B. 你居住在中国哪个城市.



Your country is very beautiful, not only has its tradition side but also a place with modern sensation, and I am really interested to be there; espicially Rome, Florence, Milan, Naples. However, I havn't got a chance to visit yet. I promise I will travel to there when I got enough money.

Which part of China do you live?

You are still a student or you have already start working?

I want to be a friend of you.

A.Your countries are very beautiful, ancient and fashionable, full of vigor. That's very attractive. I want deadly to go there, especially Roman, Florence , Milan, Naples. But it is a pity that I haven't been to there before. If I have saved enough money, I definitely go there for a trip.

B. Which city do you live in China?

C.Are you a student or working now?

D I want to be your friend.

A Your country is very beautiful.It's both ancient,stylish and vigorous, attracting me