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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 09:41:11

摘要: 本文的重点为完善我国反腐机制。通过分析我国目前反腐机制的基本框架,系统地研究该机制反腐理论的构成及内涵,防止腐败的具体措施和实施,以及对我国的反腐机制基本框架进行了认真的梳理,深入的挖掘和理论概括。从而发现其存在的问题,即在运用加强政治思想教育防止腐败;制定严明的纪律和一系列的规章条例防止腐败;建设有效的监督机制防止腐败;运用群众运动反腐败等方式上存在的问题。从而完善我国反腐机制建设。

Abstract: This paper will focus on perfecting the anti-corruption mechanisms. By analyzing China's current anti-corruption mechanism, the basic framework to systematically study the mechanism of anti-corruption theory of composition and content, to prevent corruption and implementation of specific measures, as well as on China's anti-corruption mechanisms to carry out the basic framework of a serious sort, in-depth excavation and theoretical generalization . Thus found to exist, namely in the use of strengthening the political and ideological education to prevent corruption; to develop strict discipline and a series of rules and regulations to prevent corruption; the building of effective monitoring mechanism in place to prevent corr

Abstract: This article key point for consummates our country counter-spoiled mechanism.Through analyzes our country at present the counter-spoiled mechanism bare bone, studies this mechanism counter-spoiled theory systematically the constitution and the connotation, prevented the corrupt specific measures and the implementation, as well as have carried on earnest combing to our country's counter-spoiled mechanism bare bone, the thorough excavation and the theory are broad.Thus discovered its existence the question, namely in prevents the corruption using the enhancement political thinking education; Formulates the strict discipline and a series of rules and regulations rule prevents the corruption; Constructs the effective surveillance mechanism to prevent the corruption; Question which using ways and so on in mass movement counter-corruption exists.Thus consummates our country counter-spoiled mechanism construction.
摘要: 本文的重点为完善我国反腐机制。通过分析我国目前反腐机制的基本框架,系统地研究该机制反腐理论的构成及内涵,