
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 09:16:15
Xx先生 您好:



然而,最近再看一次贵公司网页时,发现没有了招聘海外营业人员的职缺。却在以下这转职网站内(xxxx),是还可以看得到相关的招聘介绍。因此,在此想向Xx先生请教是否还有该职缺呢? 如果该职缺招聘仍进行中的话,您能否帮我百忙中拨空帮我看一下所附档案中按照贵公司履历表格式填写的内容,是否合乎这职缺所需要的条件好吗。



Dear Mr. X:

I am XXX from XXX company.
I would like to consult you about recruitment information, I hope you don't mind.

I know your company is a very reputable company, which has not only sustainable sales strategy, but also execellent sales teams. In your homepage, I saw that your company was looking for an overseas salesperson. I was very interested in this position and would like to be a member of your company.

But, when I saw it again, I found it had disappeared. However, I found this recruitment is still available at another website (XXXX). So I would like to confirm with you whether you are still looking for an overseas salesperson or not. If it is yes, please check my resume attached with this mail.

Thank you very much for your kind consideration, I am looking forward to your reply at your convenience.

Best Regar