
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 22:02:48

The risingdasi data recovery center is a specialized data recovery brand initiated by the rising company and the dasi data recovery company. the dasi data recovery company is the biggest scale well-known enterprise of data recovery profession, has the high popularity in the nation and even the Asian area, is famous for studying the frontier technology of specialized data recovery. The dasi data recovery center provide the numerous world 500 enterprises the data recovery outsourcing service , for instance Essen, AMD, Basifu, China ICBC, baidu, Legend Group and so on. Dasi constructs the domestic leading data recovery laboratory, the domestic first partial ten levels pure, the RAID data recovery laboratory, the server data recovery workstation, the hard disk Maintenance base, the data recovery to train the base, the U plate data recovery platform and so on, for domestic data recovery technological development positive pushing effect. The risingdasi data recovery center to comply with