
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 01:43:37
[摘 要] 在整个保险业务中,汽车保险具有举足轻重的地位。近年来,我国已经开始进入汽车时代,汽车保险业务经营的好坏,不仅事关保险公司自身的经济效益和发展,也影响到保险职能作用的发挥及社会效益的实现,对保障社会稳定和人民的安居乐业发挥着积极的作用。如何改善我国传统的汽车保险理赔服务模式,提高工作效率,降低服务成本,已成为摆在我国汽车保险从业人员面前亟待解决的问题。

〔关键字〕:汽车 理赔服务 对策

Auto insurance plays a decisive role in the entire insurance business.In recent years, the good and bad management of auto insurance business not only has effective on the economic benifit and development at insurance company, but also to the development of insurance fuction and achivements of social benifit, making great contribution to social stability and people's living and working in peace and contentment. How to improve our county's service method of traditional auto settelment of insurance claim, to improve working efficiency, to reduce service cost have been burning problems to our auto insurance workers.

In the entire insurance auto insurance with a pivotal position. In recent years, our country has begun to enter the automobile age, good and bad auto insurance business, not only is related to the insurance company's own economic and development, and also affects the role of insurance functions and social benefits of the imple