
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/16 14:17:11

一、1 call phone 打电话
2 space room 空间
3 at once immediately 马上
4 identify name 指出;说出
5 occur happen 发生
6 complete finish 完成
7 eventually finally 最终
8 conversation talk 谈话
9 attend go to 出席,莅临
10 make up one's mind decide 打定主意,决定
11 account consideration 考虑
12 put up with tolerate 忍耐
13 give up abandon 放弃
14 seldom rarely 很少
15 take out extract 用力拔出,抽出

二、1 spur encourage 鼓励,促进
2 coverage reportage 覆盖的(区域、范围) *
3 dimly faintly 暗淡地,微弱地
4 mildly gently 温和地,适度地
5 inevitable certain 肯定的,必然的
6 isolated solitary 孤立的,独居的
7 call off cancel 停止,取消
8 made up his mind decided 打定主意,决定
9 now and then occasionally 时而,偶尔
10 find fault with criticize 批评
11 grasp take hold of 抓住,控制住
12 take。。Into consideration take。。Into account 把。。。考虑进去
13 tolerate put up with 忍受
14 abandon give up 放弃
15 lately recently 最近;近来
