乐理考试 英译汉 怎样翻译 (1)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:19:40
Play the passage shown in Ex 43. The texture is chordal, but because the music is in only three parts the two chords with added 7ths cannot be sounded in full. The other chords are all formed from triads, so it would be perfectly possible for all the notes to be played. However,because the two upper parts move mainly by step in parallel 3rds and 6ths, creating a smooth.flowing effect above the more angular bass part.the three triads marked with asterisks are incomplete. This is a good example of how the melodic shape of the, individual parts and the relationship of each part to the others can be more important than obtaiting the fullest possible sonority. In your work for Grade 6 you have discovered that good part-writing is essentially a compromise between vertical and horizontal elements

Good part-writing also depends on the way in which the chords follow each other. However interesting the individual parts may be,the music will not sound convincing unless the underlyi

通过发挥显示前43 。纹理是弦,而是因为音乐中,只有三个部分两个和弦加7ths不能充分响起。其他和弦都形成黑社会,所以这将是完全有可能的所有笔记要发挥。然而,由于上游地区的两个主要的一步移到平行3rds和6ths ,创造一个平稳。以上的流动效果更加角低音部分。三个黑社会标记星号是不完全的。这是一个很好的例子,如何旋律形态,个别地方的关系,每一部分的其他人可以更重要的obtaiting尽可能充分的音响。在你的工作级6你有发现,相当一部分写作本质上是一个妥协的纵向和横向要素

相当一部分写作还取决于以何种方式和弦后续对方。然而有趣的是,个别地方可能是,音乐将不健全的有说服力的,除非根本的和谐发展形成sarisfactory定义关键的音乐和任何附属钥匙可以用。这里的紧张关键的F小调坚决establisbed开始时的紧张和运动之间的主要和弦。下半年酒吧升,一个第七添加到弦五;这使得拉弦的张力更加强大,因为需要的不和谐第七加以解决。同样,减少第七弦的声音在酒吧3不安,因为它包含两个不和谐的间隔,缩小第五(还原乙- F )和减少第七(还原乙- -产卵阿) 。这些dissonances似乎需求决议中,低音要提升至C ,上层部分需要将下降至G和还原é分别。注意到,尽管还原B的低音的音乐不调节的占主导地位的还原B是chromafically改变注意。和减少第七弦makas建立在它的进展,以更具吸引力的共鸣V比自然音阶形式的不完善,您使用了Cadence公司在五,六年级。