
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 23:31:19
You are a passenger .You are upset about the poor service
1.The airline lost one of your bags.
2.The plane was two hours late
3.The food on the plane was terrible

Student B
You represent the airline. Listen to the passenger's complaints.You may explain,apologise or agrue as you see fit.

因为是和美国交换生一起表演, 老师很重视,求一些幽默生动的片段,一句话也行。

英语不会 说汉语咯
很想为乘客提供满汉全席 但是由于经费有限 不能满足
而且由于机场的失误 导致飞机晚点 可以看出机场很忙 坐飞机的人增多 金融危机要结束了