
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 01:44:44
谁有金牌之路八年级英语试卷(下)的答案 急急急急急!!!!!快快啊!!!

Unit 5
一. 词汇 (10%)
1.Today is Wednesday, ________ (明天) is Thursday.
2. I have a piano ____________(功课) on Sunday.
3. There is a football _________(比赛) at 5:00 pm on TV.
.4. Marie is going fishing with grandpa the __________(整个)day.
5. Thank you for your________(邀请) to your party.
6. It’s a _____(遗憾) that he missed the early train.
7. I’m having tennis________(训练) this afternoon.
8. Would you like to go to the _________(音乐会) next Sunday?
9 . I’m ________(空闲) till 10 o’clock.
10. My _________(美国的) friend is going to visit me next vacation.
二. 单项选择 (10%)
( )1-----A: Can you come to my party? ------B: -----------------
A. Of course, I’d like to B. I can’t go there.
C. No, I won’t go. D. Yes, I will.
( ) 2. I’m going to Shanghai by air_____Monday evening.
A. in B. at C. on D. of
( ) 3 I don’t like the color of the T-shirt. Would you show me ____ one?
A other B the other C ano