翻译the scale of commercial development along the Kai Tai nullah

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 18:34:41
翻译1.the scale of commercial development along the Kai Tai nullah has been cutdrastically and the drainage channel envisaged as a pleasant river in the latest design for the former airport area.

2.He sought the distraction of distance.

3.Brown is as poor as a church mouse.

4.This season saw a onimous dawning of the tenth of November.


scale 本意刻度、尺度,引申为规模、程度和等级等意思。
cutdrastically =cut drastically 剧烈的缩减
and组成的并列句,and 前:
the scale of commercial development 主语
along the Kai Tai nullah 状语,补充说明是何地
has been cut 谓语 完成时表已经发生,
and 后:
the drainage channel 主语
envisaged 谓语(感觉应该是 is envisaged as 才对)
envisage 设想、考虑
as 带后面的 a pleasant river 做补语,补充envisage的动作
in the latest design for the former airport area 状语,补充说明


2:他想远走高飞,免得心烦。 (是俗语吗?)
3:布朗一贫如洗。 church mouse 教堂是礼拜和祷告的地方,没有食物的,教堂老鼠在教堂怎么有食物,不要说养肥自己,还穷得厉害。
4:在这个季节,十一月十日黎明时分的景象是个不祥之兆。英文维基百科对“10th November”的解释:November 10 is the 314th day of the year (315th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 51 days remaining until the end of the year.貌似是比较容易让人伤感的日子。
