
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 05:11:29

反方:他们没有法律责任 ,产品出了问题,应当是生产经营者和销售者的责任,与明星无关。明星根本就没有能力去辨别产品的好坏,三鹿奶粉”既有国家的质量检测合格的报告,又是国家免检产品,这样的产品,明星在决定是否代言时怎么会有质疑?


the stars should be responsible ,most people buy the product becouse the star is famouse.It's irresponsible if the star don't know about the product he represent but recommend it to the consumers.The Advertising Law in USA formulated that the star must be the user of the product or the advertising will be a false one.
Anti-side:they have no responsibility in law ,if the product have some problem, it's the responsibility of the manufacturer and the
seller .It's not related to the stars.they have no ability to know if the product is good or bad.The SanLu powdered milk have got the National Quality Inspection ,and is exempted from inspection.A product like is ,how should the stars dicide on if he should represent or not?
In my opinion ,wo should be more logos when choosing products.wo shouldn't buy pruducts sightless just becouse it's the product who represented.At the same time ,there should be more close supervision to the quality from the gove