请大家帮我翻译一段英文 谢啦

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 11:29:15
[摘 要]:随着2008年9月金融危机全面爆发,中国本土企业普遍受到了危机的影响,企业的经营业绩下滑;同时各企业也采取了积极的应对措施,并且对公司未来的发展表示出了信心,其中债务重组无疑是那些出现严重财务问题的企业的首选方案。S*ST长岭就是一个典型的例子,2008年该公司积累产生大量负债,产生了严重的财政危机,面临破产的危险。通过债务重组,不仅使公司摆脱退市的危险,还使公司获得一部分重组利得,扭亏为盈了。债务重组给公司带来了积极的效应,但仍存在一些问题。


[Abstract]: With the September 2008 full-blown financial crisis, China's local enterprises generally been affected by the crisis, decline in business performance; at the same time the enterprises have also taken positive measures, and the future development of the company's expressed confidence, debt restructuring is undoubtedly one of those who are serious financial problems the preferred program. S * ST Changling is a typical example, in 2008 the company has accumulated a large amount of liabilities, resulting in a serious financial crisis facing the risk of bankruptcy. Through debt restructuring, not only the company from the risk of delisting, the company was also part of the reorganization of the profits, the pr