
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:23:13
眉毛的生长周期在约为: 二个月
一个标准的足球,它的周长大概有: : 50-60cm
世界上流经国家最多的河是哪一条? : 多瑙河
建国后,我国发行的第一枚生肖邮票的图案是哪种动物? : 猴

What animal is the arctic off-road vehicle designed and manufactured in Imitation of? The penguin.

Where is Nauru, the smallest island country? In Oceania.

What's the approximate percentage of water in the human body? 60%,

The growth cycle of eyebrows is about: Two months.

The most advanced reptile: The crocodile.

The longest neck of an giraff in the world: About 6 meters.

The circumference of a standard football is about: 50-60 cm.

Which river flows through the most countries? The Danube.

What was the first animal of the Chinese Zodiac to appear on stamps issued by the People's Republic of China? The monkey.

Polar sport utility vehicle, what are imitating animals and the design and manufacture of walking? Penguin
The smallest island country of Nauru is located in: Oceania
Human body of water about what is the percentage of body weight? 60%
Eyebrows at some of t