
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 22:22:36
摘要:本文首先阐述了两税合并的背景以及两税合并的意义(两套税制并存的弊端),并且运用比较分析法对比新旧企业所得税法的主要差异。其次从1.企业利润增加;2.营造公平竞争环境;3. 促进产业升级这三个方面阐述了两税合一对内资企业的影响。再次从对现有的外资企业的影响和对我国后续利用外资的影响这两大方面阐述了两税合一对外资企业的影响。最后提出笔者的一些看法,给投资者提出一些投资建议。

title:the influnce of the consolidation of the two taxes to the domestic and the foreign enterprises
summary:This paper expatiated on the purpose of the background of the two taxs' consolidation firstly.
Then discussed the influnce to the domestic companies from three parts.1.the increase of the profits;2.creating a fair competition environment;3.Quicken the industry's step to the upgrading
Thirdly,the paper discussed the influnce to the foreign enterprises from the influence of the existing foreign ones and the following uses by our country.
Lastly, to presedent some opinions and the advices to the investors from the writer.
Key Word: consolidation;Income Tax;Document Enterprises;Foreign Enterprises

Title: Two-in-one tax impact of domestic and foreign-funded enterprises
Abstract: This paper first described the background of the merger of the two taxes, as