
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 17:32:14
Chaenomeles Lindley(木瓜属)
Shrubs, subshrubs, or small trees, deciduous or evergreen, sometimes with thorny branches; buds small, with 2 exposed scales. Leaves simple, alternate, shortly petiolate, stipulate, herbaceous, margin serrate or crenate. Flowers solitary or fascicled, precocious or coetaneous. Sepals 5, caducous, margin entire or serrate. Petals 5. Stamens 20 or more, 2-whorled. Ovary 5-loculed, with many ovules per locule, 2-seriate; styles 2-5, connate at base. Fruit a pome, large, many seeded, often with persistent incurved styles; seed brown, seed coat leathery, albumen absent.
About five species: E Asia; five species (three endemic) in China.

灌木, subshrubs ,或小型树木,落叶或常绿,有时棘手分行;芽小, 2暴露尺度。叶片简单,候补委员,不久petiolate规定,草本,利润率锯齿状或crenate 。花单独或fascicled ,早熟或coetaneous 。 Sepals 5 , caducous ,利润率整个或锯齿状。花瓣5 。雄蕊20个或更多, 2轮生。卵巢5 loculed ,许多胚珠每locule , 2系列化;风格2-5 ,合基地。水果1梨果大,许多种子,往往持续incurved风格;种子褐色,种皮坚韧,蛋白缺失。
关于5种:电子亚洲; 5种(三地方病)在中国。