没有帮助 英文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:20:29
请问下边的话 用英文怎么表达?

没有什么帮助啊 不过你会的语言还真多 比我强多了 我看你的回复还得找别人翻译才能看懂!

It's not much helpful. But you really know a lot of languages, much better than me. I have to have your replies translated before I can understand!


There isn't any help.You are acquainted with so many kinds of languages,much better than me.I Have to find a interpreter even when reading your messages for me.

you are better then me in language and good at so many kinds of it, but your translation writen back is translated by others and i could see,there is no use for me.
希望我这句能让你明白 呵呵

Not so many helps,but you know so much more languages that is better than me,I always need a hand for translation to understand what you've written back.

It doesn't help, but you really know a lot of languages, so much better than me. I had to find someone to translate your reply before I would understand it!

It is of no help. However, you really know some kinds of languages, which is much better than me. I have to turn to oth