求汽车环保论文- -#

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 23:21:58

【摘要】 目的: 测量汽车和火车内环境次声的频率和声压级的分布. 方法: 使用《便携式野外低频信号实时测试智能分析系统》,对行驶中的汽车和火车车厢中的次声进行了测量. 每组中的每个测试点采集数据30 s,从中随机抽取15个数据,并计算其平均值. 结果: 汽车行驶时车内次声的频率和声压级的分布为(16.6±1.6)Hz,(111±4)dB;火车行驶时车内次声的频率和声压级的分布为(7.8±1.7 vs 6.8±1.5)Hz(P<0.05),(99±5 vs 93±5)dB(P<0.01). 结论: 汽车、火车车厢内存在次声.

  【关键词】 次声 测量

  【Abstract】AIM: To measure the frequency and sound pressure of the infrasound in cars and trains. METHODS: The “Convenient intelligence analyzing system” was used to survey the infrasound in the running cars and trains. Data were collected for 30 seconds from every site in each group and 15 data were chosen randomly from each group to calculate the mean value. RESULTS: In running cars,the frequency and sound pressure of the infrasound was (16.6±1.6) Hz and (111±4)dB. In running trains,they were (7.8±1.7 vs 6.8±1.5) Hz and (99±5 vs 93±5) dB respectively. CONCLUSION: Infrasound exists in the running cars and trains.

  【Keywords】 infrasound; measurement
