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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 19:39:51
你好皮特 听说你生病住院了 你应该少吃甜食和油腻的食物 它们会让你发肥而引发心脏病 你要加强身体锻炼 保持健康

HELLO Pete!!! hears that you fall ill for having been in hospital ,you ought to stop they may let you send out a fertilizer being but initiate a heart disease with greasy food by a sweetmeat you need to reinforce the body taking exercise !!
keeping fit!!!

hello, Peter, I just heard you getting sick and in hospital now. I would suggest you eating less sweet and oil food which will put on weight on you and lead to a heartstrick. In addition, you'd better do more phsical excisice to keep healthy.

Hello, Peter. I heard that you were ill in hispital. You should eat less dessert and less rich food which make you easy to gain weight and introduce potential heart attack. You should engage in more exercise and keep fit.

Hello Peter I heard that you fell ill and were in hospital .You should eat less sweets and greasy food that will let you send fat initiate heart disease you to strengthen the bodily exercise maintain the health