
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 00:57:45

二楼有点,resemble是用于同类型的相似,不能用做比喻吧,glance at ,是“瞥见,一瞥”,我觉得用look at 好一点,一楼不用看,I and he ?? 三楼的,he and me??闭着眼睛都知道是错的,人称用法错误
He and I are just like parallel line. We have no choice but to look at each other no matter how long we extend.
PS;那个挺什么什么人的那位不懂语法,无视,能在网上百度你搜出一个"he and me"?做主语,你懂不?原版电影?你见过?真是神了him and me 我倒是听得多,he and me 我就找不出一个来,如果你能找出来,你直接去找那个字幕制作人校正

I and he likely are the parallel lines, even if continues is again long, but also can only isologue

He and I resemble parallel line. We have no choice but to glance at each other no matter how long we extend.

he and me are like parallel lines, no matter how far they go, we could only look at each other and not touching

三楼的没有错误,请不要乱说,原版电影里头多的是这样的表达,另外他的not touching是never going to touch each other的缩略版,这是第二次帮他伸张正义了....
最后一句可以改为:There's nothing more we can do but to look at each other.