
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 07:01:40
在人类社会逐步迈入知识经济时代,经济活动进一步全球化与信息化的条件下,作为知识载体的人力资本对国家经济和企业发展的重要性已日显突出。国家和企业实力的较量归根结底已转变为人才的竞争和较量。只有不断地提高员工的素质水平和创新能力,企业才能在日趋激烈的竞争环境中立于不败之地。员工培训作为一种提升企业员工素质水平和增加人力资本储量的有效途径,已受到越来越多企业高层的重视和青睐。 企业要想取得培训活动的预期效果,必须要有科学、行之有效的企业员工培训体系的保障。
本文在系统分析人力资本理论以及我国企业培训界目前的现状和问题的基础上, 通过对中国电信抚顺分公司员工培训的介绍,分析了中国电信抚顺分公司的情况和人力资源的现状,提出了中国电信抚顺分公司在培训过程中存在的一些问题以及相应的解决策略。

In human society gradually entered the era of knowledge economy, economic globalization and the further information under the condition of the carrier, as the knowledge of human capital to the national economy and the importance of enterprise development has become increasingly prominent. National strength and the competition has transformed in the competition and talents. Only by continuously improving the quality of staff and innovation ability, the enterprise can in the increasingly fierce competition environment invincible. Employee training as an ascending enterprise staff quality level and increase effective ways of human capital reserves, has been more and more attention and executives. Enterprise to obtain the desired effect training activities, must have scientific and effective enterprise staff training system security.
Based on the analysis of the human capital theory and system of Chinese enterprise training community present situation and problems on the basis of C