
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 02:46:43
Once online you can choose from over 20,000 items,or compare prices instantly to find the best deal,or check your subtotal at any time to stay within your budget,or create personal shopping lists to save time,or view images of products,orcheck out store specials,or view nutritional labels for products,sort products instantly by nutritional content,or choose a delivery time that fits your schedule.

一旦网上,您可以选择超过20000项,或比较价格立刻找到最佳的处理,或检查您的小计在任何时候留下您的预算范围内,或建立个人购物清单,以节省时间,或浏览图片的产品, orcheck了商店特价,或查看营养标签的产品,这类产品的营养含量即刻,或选择一个交货时间适合您的时间表。