
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 12:18:33
我们班每次上英语课前都有个free talk
谁能提供个 2人对话的FREE TALK

Jack (美国人)和他的朋友 Jean (英国人)之间的对话:

Jack: Hi Jean, what's up?
Jean: Not much. Good weather, I'd say.
Jack: Yeah, suppose to be a good weekend. Any plans?
Jean: Well, probably out for some ride along Folly Beach with Billy.
Jack: Sounds cool. Hey, how d'ya guys like swinging?
Jean (a bit shock): Swinging?! well... Billy and I tried a couple of time back in London, among some friends. Was nervous the first time... Well, I'm sure Billy would love it.
Jack: I know a great swing place right down on Folly, and Beth loves it.
Jean: You and Beth swing often?
Jack: Yeah, about once a week, on weekends. We both love it. Hey, this is the South, ya know? People like swinging.
Jean: Holy bloody! Wish I knew that before.
Jack: People here are so into it, and you've got quite a crowd on weekends.
Jean: Isn't it? How safe is it? I mean, you've got all sorts of people and partners...
Jack: I&