briefly discuss how an interviewer can improve his or her performance

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 22:38:27

Interview - Improve Your Performance

(Original information from Brad.): forum-replies.cfm?t=59476#r3

Whilst the recruiting organisation may use other selection criteria such as reference checking and psychological testing, the interview will continue to be the primary method of selection. No matter how impressive your resume to date, a poor performance in the selection interview will threaten your chances of eventual success. Below are some suggestions

Understanding the Purpose of the Interview

In every interview and no matter how junior or senior the position, the interviewer will be probing for the answers to three basic questions:

Can you do the job? (Your skills, qualifications, experience).
Will you do the job? (Your motivation, attitudes and career goals)
Will you fit into the team? (Your cultural match).

Also understand that most employers now recognise the link between past and future behaviour a