
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:10:54

渡渡鸟(Dodo,Mauritius Dodo)是一种不会飞的鸟,仅产于非洲的岛国毛里求斯.肥大的体型总是使它步履蹒跚,再加上一张大大的嘴巴,使它的样子显得有些丑陋.幸好岛上没有它们的天敌,因此,它们安逸地在树林中建窝孵渡渡鸟
渡渡鸟(Dodo,Mauritius Dodo)是一种不会飞的鸟,仅产于非洲的岛国毛里求斯.肥大的体型总是使它步履蹒跚,再加上一张大大的嘴巴,使它的样子显得有些丑陋.幸好岛上没有它们的天敌,因此,它们安逸地在树林中建窝孵卵,繁殖后代。卵,繁殖后代。
Cross cross bird to cross (Dodo crossing bird, Mauritius Dodo) is one kind of the bird being able to not fly , produces island country Mauritius in African only. The loose shape always makes its walk walk haltingly , the mouth taking a look greatly plus one, makes its appearance appear a little bit ugly. Do not have their natural enemy luckily on the island, therefore, they are hatched eggs for out easyly in building a nest in the grove cross cross bird to cross (Dodo crossing bird, Mauritius Dodo) is one kind of the bird being able to not fly , produces island country Mauritius in African only. The loose shape always makes its walk walk haltingly , the mouth taking a look greatly plus one, makes its appearance appe