
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 21:16:52

My hobbies and special
Everyone has their own hobbies and expertise, I am no exception.
I have a lot of interest. I enjoy under the chess, table tennis and enjoy, enjoy some extra-curricular reading books, draw also enjoy ... enjoy ... but I draw the most, because through the draw, so my love for their motherland even more.
My hobby is also a lot of. I enjoy playing computer, likes sports, likes the system to do small things ... ... but my biggest hobby is reading, because Gorky once said: book are the ladder of human progress. Really the case: Writing my book can improve the level of writing; read the book to improve my reading level; history book can know my Chinese history book ... ... so much so that I can progress, I could not love reading it?
My strengths are swimming, I can only swim 10 meters, and now I can swim well laps around the pool, I enjoy swimming the most, because people often take part in swimming, because of the temperature adjustment funct