
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 05:31:05

从周星驰小时候来看,很难想象这个小子会成为在香港电影史上占据重要地位的巨星。他并不是演艺世家出身。他在拍电影前,推销过电器,在酒店里端过盘子。但他疯狂崇拜李小龙Bruce Lee(布鲁斯·李) 。这是他在1993年的一部绝世佳作《唐伯虎点秋香》(Flirting Scholar)这个故事是说,唐伯虎喜欢秋香,他就到秋香家去做仆人,经过重重磨难,唐伯虎终于与心爱的秋香拜堂成婚。这部电影令人既兴奋又目瞪口呆。这是他的一部作品叫做【片名】破坏之王 King of Destruction 何金银(周星驰),一个平凡中见特别的年青人,在茶餐厅以送外卖为终身职业,一日,银邂逅心中女神阿丽(钟丽缇),终鼓起勇气相约,可是约会当中尽情暴露本身弱点,自此,银遂立誓要成为强者,最终他打败了情敌大师兄,和阿丽在一起。
接下来这一部叫做“大话西游”相信所有人都看过了,其中一句最经典的话是:曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我面前,我没有珍惜,等我失去的时候我才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你。如果非要在这份爱上加上一个期限,我希望是……一万年…… !
这部电影是“喜剧之王“King of Comedy。喜剧之王是周星驰自己艺术生涯的真是写照,一个永不退缩的人生。

From Stephen Chow childhood perspective, it is difficult to imagine this kid will become a movie in Hong Kong play an important role in the history of the star. He is not performing family of origin. Film shot at him before selling off electrical appliances, in a hotel over the plate side. But worship him crazy Bruce Lee Bruce Lee (Bruce Lee). This is him in 1993 at a peerless masterpiece "Qiu-xiang Tang Bohu point" (Flirting Scholar) the story is to say, Qiu-xiang Tang Bohu likes, he went home to do mobiledog servant, after many hardships, and finally Tang Bohu mobiledog beloved married church. The film is both excited and stunned. This is a work of his called 【Title】King of Destruction Ho gold and silver (Stephen Chow), an ordinary young people in particular see, at a cafe for a long-term career in delivery day, silver met the hearts of the Arab-Israeli goddess Laguna (钟丽缇), the end of the same courage, but all of them exposed themselves Date weaknesses, then, silver 遂立