请高手帮我翻译学校的介绍 英译中 高分

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 11:44:54
一、 江苏常州刘国钧高等职业技术学校简介
学校座落在常州市区龙游南路8号,占地70000平方米,建筑面积55000平方米。校园整体设计新颖、别致、建筑具有时代气息。校园环境整洁优美,四季如春。学校设有五年一贯制大专、三年制职业中专和综合高中。现有在校全日制学生达4300余人,各类业余培训年均达10000余人次,教职工300余人,研究生、本科学历教师占99%,中高级职称(含副教授)教师达70%。学校下设机电工程、汽车工程、信息工程、动画艺术、财经管理、商贸管理、自动化工程等专业系部, 30余个分支专业在办学中日趋成熟,学校被国家教育部等六部委确定为数控技术应用专业技能型紧缺人才培养培训基地,国家、省市级以上的示范专业达6个,学生就业率稳定在98%以上,对口优质就业率达85%以上。

Canada is sub post offspring academy: (Former Liu Guo Jun called Chang Zhou City of advanced occupation of advanced Jiangsu Chang Zhou City Liu Guo Jun occupation technical school brief introduction Chang Zhou City Liu Guo Jun technical school vocational education centre) one,is full-time advanced state-run occupation technical school , is that state-class priority vocational school , the whole nation educate the system advanced collective , Jiangsu province model school , Jiangsu province civilized unit. School construction and development have got China foundation , Liu Guo Jun has educated commemorating foundation and here and overseas all sections of the people support and has helped. School is located in on 8 number of Chang Zhou City downtown area Long You county south road , is takes up 70000 square metres field , 55000 square metres built-up area. The campus entirety designs new and original , unconventional , the building has the spirit of the times. The campus environment