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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 09:40:00

China has become a true world trade, but is not a world trade power,Since today's China and the world trade power still has a larger gap.These gaps are reflected in:1, trade development, trade in services is relatively backward; 2, trade in goods, trade structure is irrational, worsening terms of trade; 3, industry and opening up the imbalance,Level remains low. If the characteristics of a world trade power, the better able to explain the Chinese away from the larger gap between the world trade power. China's current task is by trading power to trade power change, because only as a trade power,In international trade in order to obtain more comparative advantage. How to change? In this paper, the following responses: one, vigorously develop the service industry, service trade to upgrade the international competitiveness; 2, the implementation of trade with science and technology strategy, improve the international competitiveness of export commodities;3, and promote foreign d