
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 21:35:56
要表达的主题是心灵的力量,,,,我都拿不准这题目应该是The power from heart 还是the power in heart.....总之就是改正所有的错误了,如果有要添要剪的地方就尽管该添的添,该减的减吧,谢谢啦

The power from heart
We may defeat a person by fist,but this can only be called physical strength, the real invincible power in our soul is the power from heart.
If a man get hurt in an accident,sooner or later he will get well again,but if he's feeling deeply hurted by another person, his heart being tear apart,it's diffcult to say if the man will cheer up again.
Why there are so many person suicide nowadays?Why they just cannot face the reatily,face the cruel part of life but just give up their value lives? The answer is they are lack of the power from heart,the kind of power have no business with wealth or his background,it's all depends on the person himself.
Exactly because the power from heart,fail person can stand up on his own feet again and keep on fighting with th


We can beat a fist, but this can only be called physical strength, real invincible originated from our hearts.
If a man were injured in the accident, sooner or later he will recover, but if he feels deeply by another person hurt, and his heart was torn, it is hard to say that if this person can cheer up.
Why are there so many people commit suicide? Why can't they face the reality, facing life, just choose part of the cruel abandon their life worthwhile part? The answer is their lack of inner strength, this originated with his power is not attached to the wealth or background, it all depends on oneself.
Because power from heart failure, who can stand up and continue with a difficult situation to fight, Because this kind of strength, no money, no home, no friends, not even a healthy child, still can find a way to become a successful man.
If a man has inner strength, he can have a good life. It is from the heart, because a