business ethics里涉及managerial dilemma的case study

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 09:49:02
我急需一篇case study,一定要是关于managerial dilemma的。哪位高手能帮我找到?谢谢啦!!!文章不要太短,请把网址一并告诉我

case study的节选,全文请参见

“RMTech is facing the dilemma all services companies face, whether a start-up or established company: developing a workforce strategy and management plan to compensate for job variances. This is critical for a business to achieve sustainable, profitable growth.

Management should not, however, focus only on current staffing and financial concerns surrounding the project.

By securing the contract, an opportunity was also created to review the medium- to long-term strategy of the company as the contract provides a platform for growth through a takeover of (or by) another company or for possible joint ventures.

CRMTech will also need to consider the following in developing its workforce plan:

The staff required to achieve growth