
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 09:29:57
1.取笑残疾人是不礼貌的。(make fun of)2.他们跑得那么快,以致很快就上气不接下气了。(out of breath)3.为了改进我的英语口语,除了看英语电影,我花了大量时间听收音机(as well as)4.尽管他们是有智障的儿童,他们是很外向友好的(even though)5.在你适应新环境之前,要很长时间(adapt to)

It is not polite to make fun of disabilities.

They are running so fast that they are out of breath

In order to imporve my oral english, I watch english movies, as well as I spend lots of time on listening to the radio.

Even though they are disabled of intelligence children, they are extrovert and friendly.

It will take long time before you are adapted to the new environment.