
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 15:14:25

产品要求: 菲林片,唛头,条形码不变,跟上批一样。
颜色: 红色,藏青色,蓝色,粉色 4色*装饰物(兔子,熊)2种*2个
规格: 21*21*11.5 注意缝制,线头要处理干净,注意产品划痕。

Products requirement: Film, shipping mark,bar code remain unchanged. Same as last shipment.

Color: Red, navy, blue, pink 4 colors "ornaments(rabbit, bear) 2types" 2pieces.

Size:21*21*11.5 Be careful with the sewing. Loose thread must be cleared. Pay attention on product scratches.

Prevent too many scratches on coated area.

Products require: Film, shipping mark,bar code are the same as the last one.
Color: ornaments(rabbit, bear) in Red,navy, blue, pink for 2
Size:21*21*11.5 Be careful with the work. Thrum should be clean, and also care with the products' nick

In order to provent having many nicks ont the coat part of the products

product requirements:film ,marks,bar code have no change, as same as the former one.
color: ornament (rabbit,bear) with red,navy,blue, pink four colors,two pieces of each kind.
specification:21*21*11.5 ,note sewing ,thread ends had to handle clean, paying attentio