求一篇英语的关于F.T Island的介绍!!~~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 07:20:36
F.T ISLAND是一个以16~18岁所组成的10代新生偶像乐队组合,是F&C music和MNET公司一特别重点打造的一个少年乐队(FTisland的主公司是F&C music,MNET是合作公司,但老板是同一个人),乐队名F.T ISLAND全称Five Treasure Islands 意誉为5个珍贵的宝岛,又在专辑中寓意First Island 第一的含义,誉为未来的新起. 其5位成员为别为崔钟勋( 队长&吉他&键盘)、李弘基(主唱)、李在真(贝司)和崔珉焕(鼓手)、吴源斌(吉他&主唱 rap)[已退队]、宋承贤(吉他 主唱 Rap)。
F.T ISLAND在还没有推出专辑之前,MNET公司就已经对外作出了一系列的宣传活动,首先推出是与李孝利一起在MENT的新节目<心跳咚咚寻找女友>中出演,节目的内容是让五人假想有了女朋友以后的生活并以情景剧来展现帅气男人的形象,节目播出以后受到了无数女歌迷的喜爱,尽管还没有正式出道,但是歌迷会的人数却不断的一直上升,人气一点也不亚于其它已经出道的人气偶像组合。
总的来说F.T ISLAND虽然年轻,但同样也是充满活力与朝气的,随着一代代乐队组合的老去,F.T ISLAND无疑是年轻乐队中的新生力军,从而也被更多的歌迷而期待。

FT ISLAND is a 16 ~ 18, which consists of 10-year-old new-generation icon band combinations are F & C music and a special focus on MNET company to build a juvenile band (FTisland are the main company F & C music, MNET companies are, but the boss are the same person), the band name of FT ISLAND intended as Five Treasure Islands of the five precious island, meaning in the album First Island of the meaning of the first, starting as the new future. its five members are not as Choi Jong-hoon (captain & guitar & keyboard), Hongji Lee (lead singer), at True Lee (bass) and Choi Min Hwan (drummer),吴源-bin (guitar & lead singer rap) [has retired team], Song Seung (lead guitar Rap).
FT ISLAND at before the album has not yet launched, MNET foreign companies have already made a series of publicity activities, first of all, the introduction of Lee Hyo-lee, together with the new program at MENT <heartbeat咚咚looking for his girlfriend> in the role, the content of the program is to five im