
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:57:25

A Major Advantage of Owning A Private Car

It is a nuisance to expect a bus in all weathers, to sigh when the bus stops now and then to fetch passengers and to be breathless after hurrying from the bus stop to your destination. All these could be smoothed away if only you had a private car.

A private car saves time. Owning a private car, you don’t have to wake up reluctantly early in the morning and have a quick breakfast in order to catch a bus. Moreover, a private car seldom stops except when it comes to the traffic lights or runs into a traffic jam. Unlike a bus, a car doesn’t have to stop to fetch passengers, which, of course, costs you more time on the journey. In addition, when you get off a bus, usually you have to cover a distance to get to your destination. This trouble, however, can be overcome by a private car, for it can take you right to your destination.

Everything moves at a high speed in the modern society. Owning a private car appa