
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 22:41:21


南昌市戏曲:采茶戏 (南昌的传统戏曲方式)。

地方语言: 赣方言的代表语种“南昌话”。



年俗:过大年这餐必食年糕、红烧鱼、炒米粉、八宝饭、煮糊羹,其含义依次是年年高升、年年有鱼、粮食丰收、稻米成串、八宝进财、年年富裕;除夕夜家家户户要红烛高照,通宵不灭,所以南昌有“三十晚上的火,元宵夜里的灯”。 年初一早餐,按照南昌的风俗吃素,只吃面点或菜饭,不沾荤,预示一年的“素”。 初一、初二日,各家各户开始走亲戚拜年。正月初七,南昌人叫它“上七”,有“上七大似年”之说,晚间迎接灶神归位,家里也大摆酒宴庆贺。 元宵节晚上,家家户户门前挂灯笼,一家人齐聚一起吃“元宵”(汤圆),随后看龙灯、放焰火,把家里的鞭炮都打光,二十多天的年才算过完了。

Nanchang city: rose, phnom penh presents.

Nanchang linked camphor trees.

Nanchang drama CaiChaXi: the traditional operas ().

Language: GanFangYan representatives of local languages "nanchang.

Nanchang, jiangxi province nanchang dish dish: is the main component of cooking food, for the food of the three places in jiangxi province, has a long history in China, a certain status. Main characteristics of large amount of oil is thick, strong, spicy, soy-been, salty, micro lousy crisp, fresh and delicious, colorful color.

Famous food: (1) the soil bacon: soil artemisia fry artemisia is on the edge of the lake (words), wild grass, residents of poyang lake, "the treasure", "march, April, may, soil artemisia firewood" refers to the soil from artemisia seasonally strong. Wild plants and soil artemisia: in soil (poyang lake). Since ancient times, to DuHuang food intake. Potherbs still do. TCM holds that its, sex, ca