
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 20:30:26
This is not to say that all institutions of Roman Law were available to all free men equally;and it is very interesting to see where the line was drawn. One cannot indeed draw a sharp distinction between the universal element and the particular;there was an entermediate class.Thus,the full ownershep known as dominium was available only to Roman citizens,but foreigners were allowed to enjoy an ownership which was as well protected against invasion,but by other means.If,however,one assimilates this class of institutions to those which were universal,one can draw a line between those institutions which were necessary to intercourse of a commercial or semi-commercial kind,and those which were not.The line was not very different from that drawn in India between those parts of the law,mainly of English origin,which govern all inhabitant of India,such as creminal law and the law of contracts and torts,and those which vary with the religion to which a person belongs,such as family law and the

Acest lucru nu este de a spune că toate instituţiile de drept român au fost disponibile gratuit la toate la fel de oameni, şi este foarte interesant pentru a vedea în cazul în care linia a fost stabilit. Nu se poate, într-adevăr, face o distincţie între Sharp universal element şi special; a existat o entermediate class.Thus, complet ownershep cunoscut ca dominium a fost disponibil numai la Roman cetăţenilor, dar străini li sa permis să se bucure de o proprietate care a fost, de asemenea protejate împotriva invazie, dar şi de alte means.If, cu toate acestea, o assimilates această clasă de la aceste instituţii, care au fost universal, se poate trage o linie între aceste instituţii, care au fost necesare pentru a sexual de o activitate comercială sau semi-natură comercială, precum şi cele care nu au fost . Linia nu era foarte diferită de cea stab