
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 08:11:35
the scholarly pursuit,as the pursuit of reason,is continuous with these political and personal virtues.The scholar is captured by law because she imagines the takes of legal reform as the fulfillment of moral and political responsibleness.scholar,lawyer,and statesman rest on the same virtue of reasonableness.Their perceived pathologies are also the same.When the lawyer becomes a hired gun,the statesman becomes arent-seeking politician,and the scholar becomes a deconstructionst without any commitment to the virtues of reason in the political order.For each,reason loses its capacity to be a source of substantive norms,and power displaces reason as the source of order.
This overlap between the public and private dimensions is not merely characteristic of the lawyer-statesman;it is representative of an ideal of citizenship under law.For Americans,the function law performs is comstitutive as well as regualatory.Not since solon has an act of law creation had such a central role in the



