
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 06:51:24

1.I'm thinking about buy some Chinese souvenir for my father

2.you'd better go to handicraft shop to buy a set of tea sevice

3.where's the handicraft shop?

4.This true-silk-blouse is nice and not expensive

1. I am thinking of buying some Chinese remembrancer for my father.
2. You'd better go to the craftwork shop to buy a suit of Chinese tea set.
3. Where's the craftwork shop?
4. This silk shirt is so beautiful and the price isn't expensive.

I consider my father to buy some souvenirs in China. 2. The best craft store to buy a set of Chinese tea. 3. Handicraft shops where? 4. This is very pretty silk shirts, the price is not expensive.

I am thinking of going to buy some Chinese souvenirs for my father .
You'd better buy a set of tea service in handcraft shop.
where is the handcraft shop?
The pure silk shirt is good and economical.

i am thinking to get my father some chin