
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 21:35:10
Even Roman Law had to provide for the temporary use of things,especially land and slaves;and the ways in which this was done are peculiarly illuminating.There were three ways:a man could bequeath it to his land to a tenant for,say,he could leave it,say,to his only child as part of his inheritance but subject to a binding instruction(a fideicommissum)not to alienate it but to pass it on to his children as his heirs.The first solution operated only in contract and created a personal right in the tenant,who could be evicted with impunity by a purchaser from his landlord,even if in bad faith,being left to his action against his landlord on what wo should call his implied covenant for quiet enjoyment.The second created what was called a usufruct,a real right which was protected ahainst any transferee of the ownership of,as we should say,of the remainder or reversion,or indeed against any casual intruder.The usufrust could exist for a term of years but never for longer than the life of the b

即使罗马法提供了临时使用的东西,特别是土地和奴隶;和如何在这样做的诱因illuminating.There有三种方式:一个男人可以留给它自己的土地租赁的,也就是说,他可以离开,比方说,他唯一的孩子是他的继承权,但须经一项具有约束力的指令(一fideicommissum )没有疏远,但通过它给他的孩子们为他解决经营heirs.The第一只在合同和创造了个人权利的租客,谁可能被驱逐逍遥法外买方从他的房东,即使在缺乏诚意,留给他的行动,打击其业主什么禾应要求其隐含的安静享受。


虽然这是广泛使用,它似乎已经restrected家庭,和行政模式的建立是elgacy ;它不是用来真实性质的农业或住宅tenancy.Since只能是属于一个人生活在成立时,没有实践创造了历届usufructs基本上仍up.The使用权的规定寡妇或对某些人谁没有预计需要转让的事情死亡。

第二个是建立所谓的使用权,真正的权利是保护ahainst任何受让人的所有权,我们应该说,其余或逆转,甚至对任何休闲intruder.The usufrust可能存在,任期两年但从来没有超过生活的受益者,并althougy享受的东西可以转租的使用权本身不能aleenated 。第三个解决方案几乎可以肯定经营迟古典时期只有在人,因此,虽然受益的人的礼物是根据oblegation不是疏远,但因为他是老板任何疏远了他,尽管不法行为,是valid.This肯定是符合instince共和党和古典的法律,但后来禁止异化得到了实际效果,但并不反对真正的买主value.Thus罗马法来两个不说话的声音。