
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 23:35:57
We are all astonished to learn that the apparently ---professor was really a spy. A respectable B respected 选A B为什么不对

respectful, 对人尊敬的
respectable, 值得尊敬的
An upright man is respectable.诚实的人是值得尊敬的.
He was respectful before his betters.他在长者之前很是恭敬.
They rode their respective bikes.他们各自骑着自己的自行车.
Tolerance consists in respecting the opinions of others.宽容在于尊重别人的意见.
The pianist is well respected.钢琴家很受尊重.

respectable是形容一个人“可敬的,受人尊重的”,第二个是动词原型加ed,是形容一个人本身对别人,或者说对别的事物尊敬,就像是interested,I am interested in reading.我对阅读感兴趣。"

respectable是形容一个人“可敬的,受人尊重的”,第二个是动词原型加ed,是形容一个人本身对别人,或者说对别的事物尊敬,就像是interested,I am interested in reading.我对阅读感兴趣。